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Round table discussion poster
Impunity and victims of State and extreme right crimes in the Spanish Transition

Fòrum de Debats


Impunitat i víctimes de crims d’Estat i de l’extrema dreta en la Transició (Impunity and victims of State and extreme right crimes in the Spanish Transition)

With the intervention of Aradia Ruiz (lawyer) and Vicent Galiana (historian)

Sabino Cuadra, Llum Quiñonero, Miguel Ruiz, Paqui González and other witnesses to the events and relatives of the victims will also take part in this forum.

Hosted by:

Alfons Cervera. Writer Coordinator of the Discussion Forum of the UV

Free admission, limited seats


Date 23 january 2020 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Aules Seminari. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Fòrum de Debats. Acció Ciutadana contra la impunitat del franquisme al PV. Plataforma de suport a la Querella Argentina-País Valencià.

