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36 UEG del 15 AL 19 de julio
Jazz and Human Rights from African roots

Workshop encompassed in the 36th Summer University of Gandia


This course was born to raise awareness on the fight of black creole people, who is searching for his own reaffirmation, in a completely hostile geographic and cultural context. A historiographical and musical perspective based on Jazz will be used to address the issue. By means of illustrative exhibitions and having as a guiding thread the hearings and contextualized viewing of jazz, we will understand, analyse and debate about the human rights of the black folk.


Monday 15th July


9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

“African origins of jazz”

Vicent Lluís Fontelles Rodríguez, professor of the Department of Musical, Plastic Arts and Body Language Teaching – Faculty of Education – Universitat de València.

Tuesday 16th July


9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

“Continuity of Music Genres and the Fight of Civil Rights in USA”

Vicent Lluís Fontelles Rodríguez, professor of the Department of Musical, Plastic Arts and Body Language Teaching – Faculty of Education – Universitat de València.


ScheduleFrom 15 july 2019 to 16 july 2019. Monday and tuesday at 09:30 to 14:30.


Centre Internacional de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Centre de Gandia. Universitat de València




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