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Invitación a la presentación
Presentation of the book Mercedes Sanz-Bachiller in Xàtiva

On Thursday, June 17th at 7:30 p.m., the book Mercedes Sanz-Bachiller. Biografía política will be presented at the Mancomunidad La Costera-Canal’s Assembly Hall, in Xàtiva. The presentation will feature Xàtiva Unida’s Alderman Alfred Boluda; UV Professor of Contemporary History Julián Sanz and M. Jesús Pérez Espí, the book’s author.

Mercedes Sanz-Bachiller has always been known for being Onésimo Redondo’s wife and for founding and managing Auxilio de Invierno / Auxilio Social (1936-1940). Nevertheless, she developed a long-lived career in politics between 1941 and 1979, which went unnoticed until now and it represented a blank space in history. Thus, this political biography describes a woman who held significant power during the Francoism era and aapplied it by working in different organisations: Instituto Nacional de Previsión, Obra Sindical de Previsión Social, Cortes franquistas and the Parliamentary Union. Moreover, this presentation sheds light on the political role certain falangist women played in the francoist regime.


Date 17 june 2021 at 19:30 to 21:00. Thursday.


Mancomunidad La Costera-Canal’s Assembly Hall, Xàtiva

Organized by

Xàtiva Unida and Publicacions de la Universitat de Valéncia.



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