Organized by GISBE the Research Group on School Health and Well-being
The Research Group on School Health and Well-being (GISBE), within the activities of the project (Dis)adjustment of students' schedules and the organisation of school time: its effects on health, learning, use of time and satisfaction (Kairos) (PID2021-126846NA-I00/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), is pleased to announce the 6th International Conference on Time Studies in Childhood and Youth of the University of Valencia ( UV), which will be held in a hybrid format on 11 and 12 June 2024.
As usual, in addition to the members of the project, we count on the participation of national and international academics, experts in fields related to different dimensions of time in the lives of girls, boys and young people, such as health, education or welfare, such as Ana Adán (Barcelona), Cátia Reis (Lisbon), Vanessa Vidal (Buenos Aires) or Ana Allen (Coimbra).
The meeting is funded by the Ministry of Science / National Research Agency (MICIN/AEI) and supported by the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Program https://www.gisbe-uv.es/workshop/
Registration https://forms.gle/Z8V36LTURa3CZ9gX8