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Dotació econòmica

Students receive a grant to contribute to their costs for travel and subsistence during the study or traineeship period abroad.

The amount for individuals is established as follows:

  • For UV students going to partner countries €650/month.
  • For students from partner countries coming to the University of Valencia €800/month.

Students with origin or destination in partner countries will receive the following top-up amounts to help cover travel expenses:

Travel Distances


Between 100 and 499 km

180 EUR per participant

Between 500 and 1999 km

275 EUR per participant

Between 2000 and 2999 km

360 EUR per participant

Between 3000 and 3999 km

530 EUR per participant

Between 4000 and 7999 km

820 EUR per participant

8000 km or more

1100 EUR per participant

You can check travel distances using the distance calculator provided by the European Union.