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Requirements to participate in the Erasmus+ Programme

  • Be a national of any of the Erasmus+ programme countries: the 28 EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and the Republic of Macedonia. Nationals of third countries may also participate if they have a valid residence permit to live in Spain during the mobility period.
  • Be registered and enrolled in official studies at the University of Valencia, both at the time of application and during the period of stay at the host university.
  • Obtain qualification of a recognised degree or other higher education qualification, including the doctorate, on completion of studies.
  • Be enrolled at least in the second year in the case of student mobility.
  • Have a minimum level in the language required at the host university as well as the specific call conditions.

Selection criteria

Applications will be prioritised according to the criteria established in the UV Call. Among the criteria taken into account are the applicant’s average mark as stated on the academic record, being enrolled in a High Academic Performance (ARA) programme and having participated in a student mentor programme.

Possible destinations and duration of stay

Mobility is awarded in accordance with the duration and destination as stated in the inter-institutional agreement between the University of Valencia and the host university in the partner country.

Call for 2019-2020

DOGV Publication

The deadline for submission will be from July 15th to 31th, 2019

Application form


 Annex III  (Application form)

Annex IV   (Grant Agreement, Learning Agreement)

Annex V (Certificate of Arrival, Certificate  of Attendance)

Awards resolution