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On December 17, the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació organizes in collaboration with the Japan Foundation the Japanese New Year Decoration Workshop - Origami and Japanese calligraphy.

At 16.00h at the Espai Cultural (1st floor of the FFTiC) will be a welcome session for all the participants of the workshop. Then the workshop will take place in classroom S-05 (1st floor of the FFTiC).

The New Year is one of the most special holidays for the Japanese, therefore, they adorn their homes with various types of decorations to attract happiness, longevity or remove bad energies.

The workshop will be taught by Yuko Nakajima from Petit Japó. After a small talk and an explanation by the teacher, participants will create their own decor using origami and calligraphy to wish for a Happy New Year 2022.

The workshop is free and participants will receive all the necessary materials. Be encouraged to participate!

The maximum capacity set is 40 people, to register just fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/F8qxwGRNiAJRHtEo6

The registration period is until 15 December or until capacity is reached.
