Faculty of Biological Sciences
Burjassot Campus
University of València
Deanery Building (1st floor)
46100 Burjassot, València (SPAIN)
Secretariat assistance
Queries can be made:
1.- By telematic means, through the following emails:
- Enrollment inquiries: biomatricula@uv.es
- Queries about receipts and external practices: biotramits@uv.es
- Other inquiries: fac.biologiques@uv.es
It is recalled that users who have an institutional email address for the University of Valencia (---@alumni.uv.es, ---@uv.es ), must use it in their communications with the Faculty of Biological Sciences.
2.- By phone, through the following phone numbers: 963544019 - 963544373
3.- In person, at the Faculty's Student Office, located on the first floor of the Deanery Building.
All this at the times detailed below:
Opening hours from 1 October to 31 May
- Mornings: from 9:00h to 14:00 h.
- Afternoons: Monday from 16:00h to 18:00 h.
Fallas opening hours
- CLOSED from 15 to 20 March, both included
Easter opening hours
- From 3 to 5 April, both included: from 9:00h to 14:00h
- From 6 to 17 April, both included, and 24 April: CLOSED
Opening hours from 1 June to 30 September
- Mornings: from 9:00h to 14:00 h. (CLOSED in August)
Christmas opening hours ( CLOSED: 26 December, and from 2 to 5 January, both included)
- From 27 to 29 December: From 9:00h to 14:00h