Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Bioquímica i Ciències BiomèdiquesFacultat de Ciències Biològiques Logo del portal

Do you wish to know how and when genes express themselves? Do you wish to know how proteins create themselves? Do you wish to know how cells obtain energy? Do you wish to know how cells are inter-communicated? Do you wish to know how living organisms are genetically modified? Do you wish to know how cells proliferate or die? Do you wish to know what stem cells are and what they do? Do you wish to know how variations in the function of biomolecules causes pathologies? Do you wish to know the biological basis of the most innovative therapies? Do you wish to know the Nobel-winner topics in Medicine, Physiology or Chemistry? Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences is the Degree designed specifically for answering exhaustively to these questions.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or generically the so called Molecular Biosciences are the scientific disciplines which aim to understand the molecular and cellular basis of the organisation and function of living beings. In recent years, Molecular Biosciences are at the epicentre of the great scientific revolutions. They represent one of the most dynamic and productive areas of research with a great impact in diverse sectors. In this regard the development of Biomedical Sciences has been particular relevant for the health sector, which focuses on the analysis of the biological basis of human pathology.

The goals of this degree are to provide students with the conceptual and methodological tools, which are needed for understanding the molecular perspective of the transformation processes that living being undergo to complete their functions and the integrated regulation of such processes. It is particularly intended that students will be able to use molecular and cellular knowledge of biological functions for issues related to heath and human pathology.

The Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences is strongly committed to train professionals of basic or applied research in Molecular Biosciences both for centres of basic research and biotechnological, pharmaceutical or related industries. Concretely this Degree enables students for performing professional activities in the biomedical field, in order to meet the demand and to adapt to the progresses that the sector has undergone in recent years. Thus, the degree aims to train students for working as a professionals at clinical or hospital laboratories specialised in clinical biochemistry, microbiology and parasitology, immunology, etc. and for working in the development of both new medicines and diagnostic and treatments methods. Therefore, in the Degree, practical training and its teaching is closely related to the research activities of professors. Likewise, the Degree trains teaching professionals and specialists in scientific and technological information dissemination in the field of Molecular Biosciences.