Faculty of Biological ScienciesUniversitat de ValènciaDegree in biology Logo del portal

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 42

Final project: 9

Work placements/Internships: 9

Degree code: 2258

Years: 1

Teaching type: face-to-face

Knowledge branch: Social and legal science

Places available for new students: 25

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2023-2024 academic year]:
35,34 €

Management Centre: Faculty of Social Sciences

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Miguel Ángel García Calavia (Director)
Juan Pecourt Gracia
Enric Sigalat Signes
Emilio Soria Olivas
Alicia Villar Aguilés
Mª Teresa Ojeda Mata
José Mª Goerlich Peset
Lourdes Menor Sánchez (PTGAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The Master’s in Digital Society aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of emerging digital technologies and their transformative impact on contemporary society. The programme covers key sociological areas, including work, education, communication, culture and the public sphere. Students will receive training in new technological methodologies and techniques, while addressing inherent challenges and rights, such as data privacy. This training will equip students with the skills to adapt their analysis to a constantly changing reality and conduct relevant research with great skill and precision. In addition, they will develop the ability to conduct research with a specialised approach to data analysis, thanks to the strong background in data analysis techniques provided by the Master’s Degree. This foundation includes the mastery of Artificial Intelligence-driven tools for big data and network analysis, as well as netnography and data visualisation. The aim is to equip students with the skills to effectively use and interpret data to understand and predict trends in the digital society. These skills can be applied in various contexts of academic and applied research, contributing to decision-making in both public and private sectors. The Master’s in Digital Society provides students with the necessary tools to understand, analyse and evaluate the new social realities marked by digitalisation. It concentrates on the social structure, economy, culture and politics of the digital age, as well as the novel processes of constructing subjectivities and identities. The Master’s places emphasis training in digital audit skills and advanced qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The aim is to enhance academic training, enabling postgraduate students to conduct research and work in both private and public institutions, as well as in consultancy and advisory services.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: