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Poster of the European December 2022.
European December 2022: The Best Youth

The European Documentation Centre of the Universitat de València is organising a new edition of the cultural cycle European December, dedicated this year to the European Year of Youth. Entitled ‘The Best Youth’, it offers, from 1 to 16 December, around ten activities including music, cinema, radio, literature, debate and the presentation of projects.

The European December originated thanks to the impulse and coordination of different structures of the Universitat de València, such as the Office of the Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation, the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture, the Principal Peset Hall of Residence and the European Documentation Centre through the UV General Foundation; and currently has the support of institutions and public bodies linked to European management such as the Delegation to the Council for the EU and External Relations of the Valencian Government, the City Council of València and the Europe Direct office of the Valencian Community.

The cycle can be followed on social media with the hashtags #DesembreEuropeu2022 and #AñoEuropeodelaJuventud2022


Date From 1 december 2022 to 16 december 2022. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Universitat de València

General Foundation of the Universitat de València

European Documentation Centre UV

Valencian Government

City Council of València


Principal Peset Hall of Residence of the Universitat de València

Musical Actitivies of the General Foundation UV

Cinema Club UV

International Relations and Cooperation Service UV

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives UV

Erasmus Scene of the Universitat de València

Europe Direct Valencian Community

Radio Clásica RNE

'Ramon Llull' Bookstore

'La Batisfera' Bookstore.



Contact cde@uv.es

More information