Faculty of Biological ScienciesUniversitat de ValènciaDegree in biology Logo del portal





Advanced Extraordinary Examination Sitting  +info  Application form to Degrees and Llicenciatura (former Spanish  undergraduate degrees) through ENTREU

 Application to Master’s degree

Enrolment cancellation  +info  Application form through  ENTREU
Extraordinary Examination Sitting  +info  Application form through ENTREU
Refunding of fees  +info  Application form through  ENTREU
Enrolment Exemption for subjects in which the student have used six exam attempts  +info  Request for enrolment exemption
Part-time enrolment  +info  Application form through  ENTREU
Resumption of Studies  +info  Application form through  ENTREU


Advanced Extraordinary Examination Sitting




The Government Council approved on 3 March 2015 a new Regulation for the advancement of examination attempt to complete the Degree. The goal is to allow students who are close to finishing their Degree studies to anticipate its completion, establishing a regular advanced examination.

Application is submitted through ENTREU during the enrolment period.


Exams: before 16 October 2015


- Master’s Degree

For the purpose of bringing forward the examination attempt, students have to be enrolled in the module or pending subject in the current academic year and have taken it before. Under no circumstances it is allowed to advance modules or subjects in the first term. Students who meet the requirements referred to advance the exam must take it during the regular exams period. The second attempt will always correspond to the next regular examination attempt.


Enrolment cancellation

Enrolment total or partial cancellation may be request just force majeure cases.

The application will be submitted through ENTREU

Period for applications submission for the academic year 2015-16:

-First term subjects - Until 11 December 2015

- Second term subjects, yearly subjects and total enrolment cancellation - Until 15 May 2016

Events of force majeure:

  1. Disease.
  2. Work or causes of professional nature.
  3. Economic loss of the household.
  4. Any other cause comparable to the mentioned above.

Once resolved the cancellation of enrolment, will be applied immediately in the record and shall be treated as if it had not registered.
It is not possible to renounce, in any case, to this cancellation.
In the event of total cancellation of registration, it shall involve the revocation of the qualifications which may have been placed on the record during the year when the registration is cancelled.
If it is a first-year student  has the right to reserve a place in the same studies the following year.

In the event of cancellation of registration by force majeure requested before 31 December of the year when the academic year begins, the tuition fees will be refunded.


Extraordinary Examination Sitting

Undergraduate students in Biology, Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry having a maximum of 3 pending issues between core and/or mandatory of fourth year can apply for this extraordinary examination. Students having a pending subject of first cycle, have to request the corresponding adaptation to Degree (the deadline for applying adaptation ends on 27 July; information and application procedures are available on Academic Record Procedure).

The request for the extraordinary examination will necessarily be made through the virtual secretary.

Application period: during the enrolment period

Results: before 18 september 2015

Exams: regular examination dates

Refunding of fees 

You can request a refund of unduly paid taxes. Likewise, duly paid taxes may also be refund for a valid reason (cancellation of registration before December 31 due to force majeure, granting scholarship after payment...).

 The application will be submitted through ENTREU


Enrolment Exemption for subjects in which the student have used six exam attempts 

Students who have taken 6 attempts in just one subject may be exempted from enrolling in this subject. For that purpose, it is necessary to meet the requirements for the curricular assessment through marks compensation (regulated in the Rules on curricular assessment of students of Degree of the UV marks compensation), except for the requirement that there must be just one subject to finish the degree, i.e.:

  • To have studied in the UV at least 50% of the credits of the degree.
  • To have a mark of at least 3,5 in some of the examination calls of the subject.
  • To have an average mark of the academic record equal or higher than 6 at the moment of the compensation.
  • Not having requested for this or another degree the curricular assessment for marks compensation.

If the student have taken 6 attempts in a second subject, the Continuity Regulations of students’ at the UV will be applied.

Deadline: Enrolment period.


Part-time enrolment

The article 11 of the Enrolment regulations of the UV for Degree and Master’s degree qualifications, approved by the Governing Council of 9 June 2010 establishes that:
The ordinary dedication regime by the students is full-time.
Students that want to carry out part-time studies have to request for it each academic year in the established lead time, and formalise the enrolment within the career paths established by the centre responsible of the degrees.
The regime of part-time dedication will be requested for justified causes, as could be for accredited labour activity, the practice of high level sport activities, special educational needs, family responsibilities or student representation responsibilities.

The deadline to apply for part-time enrolment for the academic year 2015-16 for students of second enrolment is from 1 to 17 July 2015 through ENTREU. First enrolment students have to apply within the registration period.


Resumption of Studies

Those who, for whatever reason (except not meet the standards of continuing), had dropped their studies and were not enrolled in the academic year 2014-2015 can apply for the resumption thereof and the appointment of enrolment for 2015-2016.

The period for submitting the application for resumption of studies for the academic year 2015-16 is from 15 June to 17 July 2015.

The request for continuation of studies and enrolment appointment are both made through ENTREU

Students who have initiated studies in this centre and moved to another, can resume their studies initiated in this centre reapplying for admission:

- the procedure for admitting students with Spanish or foreign official part-time university studies or, if applicable, and/or

- for the pre-registration procedure.