Enllaç a la pàgina del Grau en BioteconologiaFacultat de Ciències BiològiquesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Work Placements. Call for the Academic Year 2024-25 (NEW) 



Work Placements. Call for the Academic Year 2023-24 



Links of interest to the student:



Work Placements in a country not included in the Erasmus Program or with no possibility to apply for the Erasmus Internship scholarship:


The Center Practices Committee of the Faculty of Biological Sciences has approved that students admitted to do internships abroad, in a country not included in the Erasmus Program or with no possibility to apply for the Erasmus Internship scholarship, have the option that they are recognized as curricular, provided that the Commission accepts the proposed practice submitted following the specific procedure for this modality.


Enrolment of Work Placements in enrollment extension:


Students who, on 24 July, do not meet the requirements for enrolling in the Work placements but they are allowed due to the grades they earned in the first semester, and this subject enrolment means the completion of the degree, they may enrol within the enrolment extension period established only for the Degree final project and the Work placements in the term established submitting the corresponding request through the electronic registry. The deadline for submitting applications will be in February 2025.