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Two women researchers
Call 2023 of the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society

By Resolution of 14 November 2022 of the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, grants were announced for the 2023 financial year under the Programme for the promotion of scientific research, technological development and innovation in the Valencian Community.

On the website of the Valencian Department (https://innova.gva.es/es/web/ciencia/convocatories_2023/d-programa-per-al-suport-a-persones-investigadores-amb-talent-pla-gent) you can find, individually for each of the three grants announced, the model documents required to submit together with the applications.

The Research Management Service has published in the following links the indications with the institutional information for the grants announced:

PhD researchers of excellence (CIDEGENT).

Doctors with international experience (CDEIGENT).

Grants for scientific excellence for junior researchers (SEJIGENT).

It should be noted that applications must conform to the standardised models and must be completed using the online means provided by the information servers of the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and the Digital Society.


GRANT                                  DEADLINE UV

CIDEGENT           from 1 December to 21 December 2022.

CDEIGENT           from 1 December to 23 December 2022.

SEJIGENT            from 1 December to 21 December 2022.


Note: the deadline to submit applications for the GVA is 23 December.


Date From 1 december 2022 to 23 december 2022. 24h. Every day.


Call 2023 of the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society

Organized by

Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.


Contact servei.investigacio@uv.es