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XXII Tómate un Speed-CafenetEA (a Leeds) - Limited Seating

  • November 6th, 2023
Image de la noticia

The Oficina de Relacions Exteriors i Participació (OREiP) of the FFTiC organizes the twenty-first edition of "Tómate un Speed-Cafenet". The activity will take place on Thursday, November 9, at 5.30 pm, in the cafeteria of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication (FFTiC), under the auspices of the XXI Setmana Internacional of the Universitat de València.

The event involves a language exchange, to promote the relationship between local and incoming students and the practice of different languages. During the activity, participants are invited to coffee and snacks. The session closes with a raffle of academic items. Two student ambassadors from the University of Leeds have prepared activities and a contest to present their city and their University.

You can't miss it!

Organized by: OREiP - FFTiC

With the collaboration of: Servei de Relacions Internacionals - UV & Instituto Confucio -UV.


Ticket collection: Dean's Office*, from 09.00 a 13.00,from November 6


 *ground floor, opposite the secretary's office