Logo UVDegree in Modern Languages and LiteraturesFaculty of Philology, Translation and Communication Logo del portal

  • CE1: Be familiar with a literature in a language other than the main Degree language.
  • CE2: Translate at a basic level from language B to language A.
  • CE3: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in Spanish.
  • CE4: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in Catalan.
  • CE5: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in (a) foreign language(s).
  • CE6: Get to know the fundamentals of the Latin language and classical culture through its texts.
  • CE7: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of linguistics.
  • CE8: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism.
  • CE9: Interrelate different areas of humanistic studies.
  • CE10: Have and apply general knowledge in humanistic areas related to this field of study.
  • CE11: Compare and analyse the constituents of one's own language with those of other languages.
  • CE12: Describe a foreign language scientifically by applying the knowledge of its grammar.
  • CE13: Apply currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism to the field of literary studies in a foreign language.
  • CE14: Know the history and culture of the countries whose language and literature are being studied and apply this knowledge to the study of their language and literature.
  • CE15: Know the different types of linguistic variation in a foreign language and recognise them in texts.
  • CE16: Know the internal and external historical evolution of a foreign language so as to scientifically describe its evolution and understand its non-contemporary texts.
  • CE17: Know and apply the techniques and methods of analysis of non-literary texts in a foreign language.
  • CE18: Know and apply the techniques and methods of analysis of literary texts in a foreign language.
  • CE19: Know and apply the methods of textual criticism and text editing in a foreign language.
  • CE20: Produce texts of different types in a foreign language with stylistic and grammatical correction.
  • CE21: Understand the texts of foreign literature in the native language.
  • CE22: Provide language consultancy and mediation in a foreign language.
  • CE23: Manage culture in the area of modern languages and literatures.
  • CE24: Locate, manage and synthesise bibliographic information on various media in the area of modern languages and literatures.
  • CE25: Identify research issues and themes and evaluate their relevance in the area of study.
  • CE26: Describe and analyse phenomena related to cultural diversity.
  • CE27: Apply the knowledge of modern languages and literatures to their professional environments.
  • CE28: Analyse the relationship between foreign-language literary texts and performing or audiovisual arts.