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For taking a decision on the application forms for appealing the marks, the Board of the Centre will appoint in an ordinary session, which will be held on November or December, the members of the Marks Revision Committee that will be in charge of resolving the appeals. The committee could be renewed annually and will be composed of at least three professors and one student. The president of the Committee can be the Dean or the director of the centre or the delegates.  (art. 20 Evaluation and qualification regulations UV)



Enric Valor i Micó
Dean or person delegated
Manel Perucho Pla PDI (Research and Teaching staff) Full Member Astronomy and Astrophysics  
Susana Planelles Mira PDI Substitute member Astronomy and Astrophysics  
Miguel Andrés Bou PDI Full Member Applied Physics and Electromagnetism  
Chantal Ferrer Roca PDI Substitute member Applied Physics and Electromagnetism  
Facundo Ballester Pallarés PDI Full Member Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics  
Mª Victoria Castillo Giménez PDI Substitute member Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics  
José Luis Gómez Amo PDI Full Member Earth Physics and Thermodynamics  
Salvador Mafé Matoses PDI Substitute member Earth Physics and Thermodynamics


Pedro González Marhuenda PDI Full Member Theoretical Physics  
José Bordes Villagrasa PDI Substitute member Theoretical Physics  
Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo PDI Full Member Optics  
Eugenio Roldán Serrano PDI Substitute member Optics  
Gala Tomás Portalés Student Full Member    
Lucía Rojo Vives Student Full Member    
Chayma Boussouf Lachkar Student Full Member