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Studies and Analyses of the employability of the University of Valencia graduates

One of the main goals of the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre of the University of Valencia (OPAL) is the systematic analysis of the insertion to the labour market of the University of Valencia graduates, through the study of behaviour and opinions of the different labour market actors. In that sense, the Studies and Analyses Department researches the graduates insertion into the labour market and their employability, involving in its analysis graduates of the different degrees, employers and the University itself. All this is done with the aim of getting to know and combine the demands of the labour market, the profile of the graduates and the academic training.

Analysis of Graduates and Doctors Employability

This section is aimed at the analysis of characteristics and integration indicators and the employment status; the professional activity and the career development of the UVEG graduates, through researches focused in the different degrees and knowledge areas.

Thus, specific research on graduates and doctors employability is carried out in addition to studies on specific aspects of the transition into the labour market.