The study of Graduates Labour Market Entry has the objective of periodically obtaining rigorous knowledge about the processes of the labour market entry of representative samples of graduates from the degrees estabished at the University of Valencia since the academic year 2009-2010.
This study is based on a survey which analyzes the choice of the university studies, the evaluation of some aspects of the education given at the University, the postgraduate education followed and the working experiences that graduates acquired during their study´s years. Additionally, it examines the usual working status from the obtaining of the degree and the current working status. On the other hand, the study provides a description of the first job and the current or last job. Concerning unemployed graduates, activities concerning the job search are analyzed, as well as the reasons why some unemployed graduates do not search for a job.
The first edition of the study analized the first promotion of graduates from the degrees established since the academic year 2009-2010. Those graduates finished their studies between the years 2013 (degrees established in 2009-2010) and 2014 (degrees established in 2010-2011) and all of them were interviewed one year after graduation. The second edition of the study is now in progress and includes those graduates that obtained their degree between 2014 and 2015 (degrees established in 2009-2010) and those who got their degree between 2015 and 2016 (degrees established in 2010-2011). In this case, the graduates are being interviewed one or two years after graduation.
First cohort:
Second and Third cohorts:
Advanced outcomes for the following indicators:
- % employed graduates
- % graduates with a highly related job to their degree subject
- % graduates with a job that requieres a university degree
- % graduates with a permanent contract (including civil servants)
Look for folder 1 (Bachelor degrees) and then loof for folder 1.7. (Labour market entry).