Universitat de ValènciaGrau en FisioteràpiaFacultat de Fisioteràpia Logo del portal

Computer and information skill training

Computer and information skill training is important for the new academic curriculum adapted to the EHEA, in which the library personnel Computer and information skill training is important for the new academic curriculum adapted to the EHEA, in which the library

Informational competences are a set of skills which allow people to recognize when information is needed, search it, manage it, evaluate it and communicate it properly
These competences are necessary skills for learning through life and for the labor market.

A person trained in informational competences is able:

  • To find the information needed
  • To efficiently analyze and select the information
  • To properly organize information
  • To efficiently analyze and select the information
  • To efficiently, ethically and legally use and communicate the

Informational competences


Learn how to use the library and informational skills with
presentations, videos, tutorials, recorded courses, etc. On these
Know your library, services, catalogues, informational competences,
guides and course tutorials, RefWorks, etc.


Customized training

The libraries of the University of Valencia offer training sessions
according to the needs of each group of users.
These “customized training” sessions may consist on:

  • Sessions about topics programmed by the libraries but in dates
    and hours to the ones offered.
  • Sessions about non-contemplated topics in the libraries
    programming, related to one topic or information resource.

Customized training

Calendar and course searcher