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SICUE 2024-2025 Call for applications

List of submited applications and parameters (21/03/2024)

List of non-admited applications (21/03/2024)

Claims can be submitted until 26th march through sicue.outgoing@uv.es 

List of applications to be checked

Claims until 14th march to sicue.outgoing@uv.es

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 19th to march 4th, 2024.

SICUE 2023-2024 lists

Claims can be submitted until April 14 by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es. The resignation of the place awarded implies the renunciation of the SICUE program.

The places of the students who resign from their place will be allocated to the students on the waiting list according to the order of publication. Calls for the Waiting List will be issue from May 2-30. No more calls will be made through the waiting list after May 30th.

Acceptance of the place. Places are always accepted via Entreu.uv.es application in the "Expedient SICUE" between April 5 to 25. The contact details (name and surname, telephone number, e-mail) of someone to call in case of emergency must be prepared.

Online briefings

Thursday, April 20th, 2023 at 13 h (Valencian)


Thursday, April 20th, 2023 at 16 h (Spanish)



Claims can be submitted until March 23rd through e-mail to sicue.outgoing@uv.es

Claims by e-mail to sicue.outgoing@uv.es untill march, 20th, 2023

SICUE 2023-2024 Call for applications

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 13th to February 27th, 2023.

Informative Sessions about application procedure

  • Tuesday, February 14th, 2023

SICUE 2022-2023 Call lists

Claims can be submitted until April 15 by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es. The resignation of the place awarded implies the renunciation of the SICUE program.

The places of the students who resign from their place will be allocated to the students on the waiting list according to the order of publication. Calls for the Waiting List will be issue from May 2-30. No more calls will be made through the waiting list after May 30th.

Acceptance of the place. Places are always accepted via Entreu.uv.es application in the "Expedient SICUE" between April 12 and May 5. The contact details (name and surname, telephone number, e-mail) of someone to call in case of emergency must be prepared.

Online briefings

Monday, April 11th, 2022 at 1 p.m. (Spanish)  https://youtu.be/ZNmkX2QesmY

Monday, April 11th, 2022 at 4 pm (Valencian)  https://youtu.be/ntCvRrTQthM

Claims can be submitted until March 22nd through e-mail to sicue.outgoing@uv.es

SICUE 2022-2023 Call for applications

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 11th to February 25th, 2022.

Informative Sessions about application procedure

  • On Thursday, February 14th. At 15.30 h in Valencian. At 17.00 h in Spanish.
  • On line. https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/b20368d7369c4734b570235c4e4b5122

SICUE 2020-21 Call lists

Inormative sessions on line


Monday, May 3rd, 2021 at 12 h (Spanish). 

Monday, May 3rd, 2021 at 16 h (Valencian). 


Mobilities can be already accepted trhough Entreu.uv.es  at "Expedient SICUE" fins el dia 10 de maig. Personal data of a contact person are needed (name, telephone, e-mail).

Claims can be submitted by May 3rd by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es. The withdrawl from the place awarded means the withdrawl from the SICUE program with the exception of the universities that have canceled their mobility.

Student on the waiting list can request to be awarded one of the places in the informative list of available places by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es by May 3rd. The e-mail must contain identification and a ranked list of a maximum of five available destinations. Those who do not submit this application can wait  to one of the destinations stated in his/her application to become vacant. No more waiting list calls will be made after June 15th.

SICUE 2021-2022 Call for applications

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 12th to March 4th, 2021.

Informative Sessions about application procedure

SICUE 2020-21 Call lists

Claims can be submitted by June 11th by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es. The withdrawl from the place awarded means the withdrawl from the SICUE program with the exception of the universities that have canceled their mobility in the first semester. In this case, if the student had requested a full course mobility and has been awarded only a  second semester mobility, he / she can request a change of destination following the instructions on the waiting list.

The student on the waiting list can request to be awarded one of the places in the informative list of available places by sending an email to sicue.outgoing@uv.es until June 7th. The e-mail must contain identification and a ranked list of a maximum of five available destinations. Those who do not submit this application can wait  to one of the destinations stated in his/her application to become vacant. No more waiting list calls will be made after June 30th.

SICUE 2020-2021 Call for applications


Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 13th to March 13th, 2020.

Informative Sessions about application procedure

  • Campus Blasco Ibáñez. Saló d'Actes de Geografia i Història. Monday, february 17th from 9 to 11 h
  • Campus Els Tarongers. Aulari Nord. Aula N101. Monday, february 17th from 12 to 14 h
  • Campus Burjassot-Paterna. Biblioteca de Ciències Eduard Boscà. Saló d'actes. Thursday, February 20th from 16 to 18 h
  • Application tutorial

SICUE 2019-20 Call lists

Definite list of assigned host universities (June 25th)

Provisional list of assigned host universities (April 5th)

Provisional waiting list

Average marks to be considered

List of non-admitted applications

SICUE 2019-2020 Call for applications

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, click on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from February 13th to March 13th, 2019.

Informative Session about application procedure

  • Monday, February 18th, 2019. Time: 16.30 h
  • Aula Magna, Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, Campus de Blasco Ibáñez
  • Application tutorial

SICUE 2018-19 Call lists

Provisional list of assigned host universities

Provisional waiting list

Average marks to be considered

List of non-admitted applications

List of admitted applications

SICUE 2018-2019 Call for applications

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, clic on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes". Application period: from Februry 13th to March 13th, 2018.

Informative Session about application procedure

  • Monday, February 19th, 16.30 h
  • Aula Magna, Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, Campus de Blasco Ibáñez
  • Application tutorial

SICUE 2017-18 Call lists

Definitive list of assigned host universities

Iinformative notice

Degree-sorted definitive waiting list .

Provisional list of assigned host universities

Provisional waiting list

Average marks to be considered

List of non-admitted applications

List of admitted applications

Informative Session about application procedure

  • Wedneday, February 15th, 2017, 17.30 h
  • Campus dels Tarongers, Aulari Nord, Aula 101
  • Application tutorial

2017-18 SICUE Programme

Application period: from Februry 10th until March 10th, 2017

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Mobility programmes in other universities" then in the middle of the screen, clic on "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

SICUE 2016-17 Call lists

Definitive list of assigned host universities

Iinformative notice

Degree-sorted definitive waiting list .

Provisional list of assigned host universities

Provisional waiting list

List of non-admitted applications

List of admitted applications

Average marks to be considered

 2016-17 SICUE Programme

Application period: from Februry 10th until March 10th, 2016

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Exchange programs with other universities" then in the center, the option "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Application tutorial

 2015-16 SICUE Programme

Application period: from Februry 20th until March 28th, 2015

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the option "Exchange programs with other universities" then in the center, the option "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Application tutorial

Llistes convocatòria SICUE 2015-16

List of assigned host universities and i acceptance period

Waiting list

Provisional list of assigned host universities

Provisional waiting list

List of non-admitted applications    

List of admitted applications

Average marks to be considered

2014-2015 SICUE programme

Application period: from February 4th to February 24nd, 2014.

Applications must be submitted through the Portal Serveis Estudiant: on the left menu, choose the fifth option "Exchange programs with other universities" then in the center, the first option "Check Applications to Exchange programmes".

Application tutorial

2014-2015 SICUE programme Lists

List of excluded students with the reason of the exclusion

Provisional assignments (sorted by degree's name). This is a provisional assignemt. A definite list of assignment will be publish.

Withdrawal and acceptation. Informtive notice

Final assignmnent Resolution

Final assignment list

Waiting list


2013-2014 Sicue programme

Application period: from February 4th to February 22nd, 2013 through Portal de l'Alumne website "Utilitats portalumne"

Application tutorial

2013-2014 Sicue programme Lists

List of excluded students with the reason of the exclusion

Provisional list of awarded students

Provisional waiting list

Final Vice-chancellor Resolution

Final list of awarded students

Final waiting list