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Poster of the training days.
UV Cinema Society. Free registration open

Aula de Cinema (the UV cinema society) organises the firsts Jornadas de Creación y Desarrollo Audiovisual (Audiovisual Creation and Development Training Days), for the training of emerging talent. They will be held at UV cultural centre La Nau, from 26 to 28 April, and will be attended by leading professionals from the Valencian audiovisual sector. Registration is free and is now open.

This is the first training designed especially for university students, students of vocational and audiovisual schools interested in the creation and development of professional film projects.

Students attending at least 80% of the activities can request the attendance certificate issued by the Vice-Principal's Office for Culture and Sport.


Date From 14 april 2021 to 22 april 2021. 24h. Every day.


UV Cultural Centre La Nau (c/ Universitat 2, València)

Organized by

University of Valencia

Vice-Principal's Office for Culture and Sports

UV General Foundation

Aula de Cinema UV (UV cinema society).



Contact auladecinema@uv.es

More information