Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Mestre/a en Educació PrimàriaFacultat de Magisteri Logo del portal

These calls are not managed by the University of Valencia. Students should contact the organizers. There is also information on the International Relations and Cooperation Service website and in the Information Service website. We are don't publish all the grant there are out there, do not give up to do your own search on the net.


400 study grants for the academic year 2016-2017 in Canada. Motivation letter and request of the application to the university secretary: lavalunivcanada@outlook.com 


Grant programme for Spanish students who wish to study or carry out an internship in France


Santander Universities Scholarships

More: https://www.becas-santander.com


Programme of the European regions that allows practices between 3 and 7 months young people between 18 and 30 years. More information on their website http://www.eurodyssee.eu/

Fulbright Spain

Extension  of studies Master and Doctorate http://fulbright.es/convocatorias/ver/1453/ampliacion-de-estudios/2016-2017

Vulcanus program

The program consists of industrial placements in Japanese companies for a period of 8 months. Students receive a scholarship (2,000,000 yen) for the return trip and living expenses in Japan (they are hosted by the company that hosts the 12 months).

Further info in this link

ICEX Scholarships

Grants for training young professionals in the provision of internationalization. ICEX scholarship programs provide an excellent opportunity to get a solid background in international trade theory and specialized practical training in the various offices of the Foreign and Network Planning, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, in Spanish companies international business or international institutions.

More: http://www.icex.es

Internationalization Grants IVEX

These grants are aimed at primary education and professional specialization and work experience on the different aspects that affect the Valencian firms internationalization process.

More: http://www.ivex.es

Sauvé Scholarship

The Sauvé Scholars Program provides scholarships to young people under 30, leaders of any country on Earth, who want to change the world. Suitable candidates are chosen according to the principles expressed by the Right Honourable Jeanne Sauvé: initiative, motivation, vision, imagination, communication skills, awareness of key issues in local and international strong desire to change the world.

More: http://www.sauvescholars.org

BBVA grants

BBVA offers several programmes for graduates and undergraduates for training in differents countries.

More information: http://is.gd/zM4ppW