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Initial survey of the Sustainable Campus Goal project

We have started the Sustainable Campus Goal project at the Universitat de València, with the aim of promoting the transition towards sustainable food. We are committed to continue our work to improve our reality and we ask for your help to do so, we will keep going!

What do we eat at university? Can we improve our food on campus? 

What are the impacts of our diet and how can we reduce or eliminate them? 

Who decides about food at the UV? What criteria are being followed to contract food services: cafeterias, vending machines...? Are environmental, social, economic, sustainability... taken into account?

These and many other questions are the one we will try to answer during this two-year project (2022-2023). To get off to a strong start, we ask you to help us by answering this short survey which will help us to know where we are today. Thanks for your help. 


Date From 16 may 2022 to 31 may 2022. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

UV Sustainability

Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life CERAI.



Contact sostenibilitat@uv.es

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