Universitat de ValènciaGrau en LogopèdiaFacultat de Psicologia Logo del portal

Fragmento del cartel del webinar sobre el proyecto JUVEN-EYE.
JUVEN-EYE call for European youth entrepreneurship projects

If you are between 18 and 35 years old, are a student or an UV degree holder and you are thinking of an entrepreneurship project in the field of culture or social economy, then this offer will be of your interest.

The UV’s General Foundation announced its involvement in the European JUVEN-EYE project to promote youth employment within the above-mentioned fields, which are particularly affected by the current pandemic situation.

JUVEN-EYE consists in promoting the Erasmus Programme for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE), a European programme of global exchanges offering young entrepreneurs and people wishing to start a company the opportunity to learn from experienced businessmen/women in other participating countries.

You have until March 15th (included) to submit your entrepreneurial project. Check the rules and conditions and be sure to check for news on social platforms with the hashtag #JuvenEye.


ScheduleFrom 18 february 2021 to 28 february 2021. Every day at 12:00 to 23:59.



Organized by

General Foundation of the Universitat de València, in collaboration with INSOMNIA CONSULTING, The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation (MCAF), Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social (IFESCOOP), Mostra Viva del Mediterrani, Europimpulse Network and Jóvenes hacia la Solidaridad y el Desarrollo (JOVESÓLIDES).



Contact juridic.fguv@uv.es

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