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Cartel con el título de la Jornada de Innovación educativa, que tendrá lugar online, el próximo 20 de julio
7th Conference on Educational Innovation of Universitat de València

The 7th Conference on Educational Innovation of Universitat de València, with the slogan “Innovate to transform: the challenge of educational innovation at the University”, aims to be a meeting point in which to share experiences concerning teaching innovation developed in our University. In this edition, which is open to the participation of the entire university community and will have a special role all those ground-breaking proposals designed in response to the challenges posed since March 2020 by the COVID-19, called by the UN, the great accelerator or disruptor of education.

The conference will take place on 20 July 2021, in an entirely virtual format, with the slogan “Innovate to transform: the challenge of educational innovation at the University”, and will be open to the participation of the entire university community.

You can take part as an attendee or presenting a paper or a poster.

Kay dates:

  • Submission of proposals/abstracts: until 14 June, indicating preference for oral communication or poster.
  • Registration: until 18 July, free of charge.
  • Celebration: 20 - 21 July, online.

For more information, please check the conference website.


Date From 21 may 2021 to 18 july 2021. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.



Organized by

El Vicerectorat d'Ocupació i Programes Formatius i el Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa.



Contact udie@uv.es

More information