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Probetas de laboratorio
Grants for research collaboration: deadline open

From 10 February to 2 March 2021, the call for applications for grants for research collaboration 2020-2021, announced by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Language Policy, will be open. These grants, managed by the Servei d'Informació i Dinamització (Sedi), are equivalent to the previous Grants for initiation in research and allow the beneficiary students to get started in research tasks related to their studies, to be trained in research skills and to facilitate future professional and/or research orientation. Students who are finishing their degree studies or who are in the first year of official university master's degree courses at the University during the academic year 2020-2021 can participate.


Date From 10 february 2021 to 2 march 2021. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Servei d'Informació i dinamització - Sedi.



Contact sedi_ajudes@uv.es.

More information