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Pruebas de acceso para nuevos integrantes de la OFUV.
The UV’s Philharmonic Orchestra announces entrance exams for six instruments

The Universitat de València’s Philharmonic Orchestra opens the entrance exam enrolment for new members. Vacancies are announced for the following specialisations:


Exams will start on October 25th 2021 at the Aulari Interfacultatiu’s Charles Darwin Hall (av. Primero de Mayo s/n), Burjassot-Paterna Campus.

Applicant requirements:

- Maximum age: 23

- Musical studies: attending at least the last academic years of professional music teachings

- Pursuing university studies will be taken into account

We offer:

- Academic recognition for UV students (2 ECTS credits per academic year)

- Academic recognition as external musical internship for students of Joaquín Rodrigo de València and Salvador Seguí de Castelló conservatories (2 ECTS credits per academic year)

- Pedagogical and musical training

- Solo artist promotion in chamber concerts or orchestras

- Promotion of chamber ensembles from orchestras

- Possible national and/or international tour

The regular rehearsal season is from September to June, every Monday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and every Thursday from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., at the Burjassot-Paterna Campus’ Charles Darwin Hall.

Enrol by filling out this form



ScheduleFrom 7 july 2021 to 14 october 2021. Every day at 09:00 to 00:00.



Organized by

General Foundation of the Universitat de València

Musical Activities Department

Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València.



Contact orquestra@uv.es

More information