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  • CG1: Develop time management skills for learning: skills for organisation, planning and decision making in the process of learning advanced economics.
  • CG2: Develop a critical capacity, show a research concern and interest in the field of economy, specialise in the use of bibliographical materials, in the use of economic databases and econometric, mathematical and statistical software. Also, learn to adequately disseminate research findings through scientific articles and presentations in congresses.
  • CG3: Gain the capacities of abstraction and logical reasoning that are essential for the creation of economic models: ability to express oneself using formal, graphic and symbolic languages, to apply analytical and mathematical methods to economics, and to relate and manipulate concepts according to a purpose.
  • CG4: Acquire linguistic and technological skills: ability to use English in the scientific field of economics and to use ICT in the field of economic study and research.
  • CG5: Acquire social skills to work in a team: capacity to coordinate activities, ethical and responsible commitment, leadership and mobilisation capacity, all of which are important for economic and team management.
  • CG6: Know how to promote, in academic and professional contexts, technological, social or cultural progress in a knowledge-based society that is founded on the respect for: (a) fundamental rights and the principles of equal opportunities for men and women, which involves using an inclusive and egalitarian language that promotes the visibility of women; (b) the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, and (c) the distinctive values of a culture of peace and democratic values.