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From paper to screen and vice versa. Dialogues related to the translation of a work. Aula de Cinema. 21/02/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
From paper to screen and vice versa

Dialogues related to the translation of a work

Cycle:  From paper to screen and vice versa

A series of conferences that will bring together audiovisual and literary translation professionals at the same table. 

We will explore intergalactic translation with Quico Rovira-Beleta and Víctor García de Isusi and their work for Star Wars for cinema and comic

Free entry.  Limited capacity


Date 21 february 2020 at 19:00 to 21:00. Friday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula de Cinema. ACE Traductores. Asociación de Traducción y Adaptación Audiovisual de España (ATRAE).


Contact auladecinema@uv.es

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