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UVemprén Campus announces 480 grants for training on entrepreneurship

The Vice-Principle Office for Employment and Training Programmes, through the Entrepreneurship Unit of the University of Valencia (UVemprén), presents a new edition of UVemprén Campus, the training programme in entrepreneurship for all levels, which this year has 480 grants for students and graduates of the University of Valencia in the initial and intermediate levels.


These grants are financed thanks to the collaboration agreement with Santander Bank to promote the UVemprén-Santander Universities Campus. The grants will exempt all beneficiaries from paying the course fees, and obtain a certificate accrediting the training received.

The training will take place during 2021 and will include courses covering different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as creativity, marketing, finance, the search for investors, and sustainable entrepreneurship, among others. It will have its own teaching staff from the University of Valencia and experts in different business fields.

UVemprén Campus courses are divided into three levels. The initial level addresses students interested in entrepreneurship who do not have a defined project yet. Courses at this level are between 4 and 6 hours, to be held in one or two days. The first of the courses will be the 2nd edition of 'Emprenent en l'economia del donut' (Entrepreneurship in the doughnut economics), which will be given by Pau Sendra, lecturer from the Department of Business Management, on 28th April.

The intermediate level of the training addresses students and graduates of the University of Valencia who already have a project to develop. This training will provide them with the necessary skills and competences for carrying it out. It is the objective of the 2nd edition of the 'Certificat en tècniques d'emprenedoria innovadora' (Certificate in Innovative Entrepreneurship Techniques), whose registration will be open until 26th April.

Finally, for expert-level training, 20 grants will be awarded to cover tuition fees for the University Expert Diploma in Startup Management, addressed to people interested in learning how to become entrepreneurs and promote a business idea or an innovative project.

All information about the courses of the different levels of UVemprén Campus is available on this link.



Date From 29 march 2021 to 28 april 2021. 24h. Every day.


UVemprén Campus

Organized by

Entrepreneurship Unit of the University of Valencia (UVemprén).


Contact uvempren@uv.es

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