foto Jose David Badia Valiente
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Cap de Seccio-Servei
Cap Iniciativa Per a Sostenibilitat
Área de conocimiento: INGENIERIA QUIMICA
Departamento: Ingeniería Química
Despatx 4.3.5 Departament d' Enginyeria Química Escola Tècnica Superior d' Enginyeria Universitat de València Av de la universitat, s/n, 46100, Burjassot, València, Spain

Dr. JD Badia is Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering (DIQ) of the University of València (UV). He holds M.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering (Extraord. Award), Mechanical Engineering and Materials, and Erasmus Mundus Materials and Sensor Systems for Environmental Technologies, as well as a PhD in Engineering and Industrial Production (Extraord. Award).

RESEARCH/ His work has been devoted towards (i) the Design and Functionalisation of polymer-based dispositives for application sectors such as energy, biomedicine, packaging and environmental technologies, and (ii) Valorisation of polymer-based materials, through mechanical, chemical, thermal and biological means. His work has been placed at the RDT groups of Functionalisation, Recycling and Degradation of Polymer Materials (UPV, Spain) and at the Materials Technology and Sustainability (UV, Spain). He has perfomed 5 research stays (33,5 months) in Dept of Fibre and Polymer Technology (KTH, Sweden) and Dept of Analytical and Organic Chemistry (URV, Spain). He shows recognition of 2 research periods (2007-2018, Valencian Agency). He shows 55 publications in JCR (85% Q1), >1400 citations and h-index of 24, 3 research chapters, > 100 communications in conferences (>60% international, >10 oral communic), and 5 divulgative papers focusing on companies. He has participated in 30 research projects (8 National and 2 International: LIFE and Chilean Government). He is currently leading 2 research projects from the Spanish Ministry and 2 from the Valentian region. Collaborations with other research groups is shown in 32 co-authored papers (20 at int. level, with researchers of Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan -Sweden-, Università degli Studi di Genova - Italy-, or University of Aberdeen - UK-.). Since late 2019, he is leader of the RDT Group of Materials Technology and Sustainability of the DIQ-UV.

TRANSFERENCE / Concerning work with industry, he has participated in 26 contracts / technical assistances for companies, technological centers and/or administrations, leading 12 of them. Co-author of 1 patent. Concerning work with society, 10 projects (3 international, Interreg, Erasmus+), on public procurement of innovation for municipalities, and involvement of women in the STEM careers. He has organised 7 transfer workshops, and offered 10 speeches in seminars and summer schools.

TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT/ He has co-directed 1 PhD Thesis, with international mention, 10 (7 Q1) JCR-indexed papers and 1 research award. He's currently (co)directing 2 doctoral theses with industrial mention. He has also directed >60 B.Sc/M.Sc final degree theses. Since 2018, he is international expert for the assessment of European Projects of Erasmus+ call [Spanish Service of Internationalisation of Education-SEPIE], Research and Innovation Actions of H2020 [for BBI-JU/consortium and EASME] and recently for Horizon Europe, CBE consortium, M-Eranet, Spanish Agency of Research, Andalusian Spanish RDT Agency, and the  Chilean Government.

OTHER RELEVANT ACTIONS / Since 2018, he co-leads the Innovation Teaching Group in Chemical Engineering and Environment of the DIQ-UV. 24 innovation teaching projects (3 coordinated), being 5 of them Erasmus+ (2 as PI) focusing on primary/adult learners. 4 JCR-indexed papers and more than 40 communications. Co-director of 2 University Expert Degrees related to (bio)circular economy: Bioplastics and Biocomposites, and Recycling of Plastics, in liason with the Institute of Plastics AIMPLAS. He was RTD manager of the Institute of Technology of Materials of the UPV for 2,5 years. Teaching staff of the School of Doctorate (UV) for transversal courses, and of the Service of Teaching (UV) for the training of early-stage lecturers, in charge of the Research section. Since 2022, Chief of Initiatives in Sustainable Waste Management at the Vicerectorate of Sustainability of the University of Valencia.

Updated: 30/10/2023

01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
JUEVES de 09:30 a 13:30 DESPATX 4.3.5
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