foto Cristina Portales Ricart
PI-Invest Cont Ramon y Cajal
Departamento: Instituto Univ. de Robótica y TIC (IRTIC)
Dr. Cristina Portalés Instituto de Robótica y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (IRTIC) Universitat de València
(9635) 43557

Dr Cristina Portalés is a Ramón y Cajal post-doc fellow at the Institute of Robotics and Information and Communication Technology (IRTIC) at Universitat de València (Spain), where she currently works as full PhD senior researcher, being the Technical Manager of the H2020-SILKNOW project (SC6-CULT-COOP-09). She is also professor of Data Visualization at the School of Engineering, at the same university. She had formerly graduated with a double degree: Engineer in Geodesy and Cartography from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and MSc in Surveying and Geoinformation from the Technische Universität Wien (Austria). She was a research fellow at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Vienna, 1999-2002), a PhD research fellow at the Mixed Reality Laboratory of the University of Nottingham (UK, 2005) and at the Interaction and Entertainment Research Centre of the Nanyang University of Singapore (2006). She carried out her PhD. at the Fine Arts School of the UPV, with the title “Augmented Reality Multimedia Environments in the Arts Field”, which received an outstanding award by the UPV. First woman receiving the EH Thompson Award (best paper), given by the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (2010). Author of +90 scientific publications. S&T program committee of diverse international conferences (e.g. ACM SIGCHI ACE, GECCO, ISMAR). She is Deputy Editor of the scientific journal Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (MTI) (Scopus Indexed). Her research interests are focused on computer vision, augmented reality and digital Cultural Heritage. She has a strong interdisciplinary profile and has special interest in the emerging collaborative work between ICT and SSH researchers.

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