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  • Authors: Herrera, Gerardo; Jordan, Rita; Gimeno, Jesús
  • (2006).
  • Publication types: Article
  • URL Publication: 2nd world autism congress & exhibition'06: exploring the advantages of augmented reality for intervention in asd
  • Full article.

  • Abstract:

    Research and practice have demonstrated that both visual and computer mediation of learning is very facilitatory in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Virtual Reality (VR) has extended and enhanced those benefits but still leaves some more severely affected individuals unable to generalise their learning to new situations. Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies offer new opportunities for providing visual information to people with autism in real (although augmented) situations and have the potential to further facilitate learning. In this paper we explore some ways in which AR can augment the reality seen by the individual with autism that, as we suggest, can be of high educational benefit. We suggest its use in pretend play training; regarding help on the distinction of the self from others; for augmenting communication and social understanding; for one’s own emotional awareness; for improving attention patterns; for teaching object permanence and for concept development through what we call ‘superimposed pictograms’.