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CEF projects about eIdentification and eDelivery hold consortium meetings to set the way forward for 2022

  • December 3rd, 2021
Image de la noticia

IRTIC, as the coordinating entity of the European projects CEF eID4Spain20 and AS4EDI20, has held meetings with the corresponding participants to analyse the progress of each project and to point out the steps to follow during the next year. The progress on technical issues, the development of the necessary reports and the promotion of the initiatives by each beneficiary entity have been discussed.

The eID4Spain20 consortium focuses on the connection of public e-services provided by three public administrations, Ajuntament de Torrent, Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas and Diputación de Ourense, to the Spanish eIDAS node through CL@VE 2.0. The implementing entities aim to perform cross-border authentication in line with the eIDAS Regulation.

Concerning AS4EDI20, it is a project that will enable a large number of European entities to use the AS4-compliant e-delivery services provided by the consortium members. This will contribute to the extension of eIDAS Electronic Registered Delivery Services (ERDS) and the use of secure encrypted communication between public administrations, businesses and citizens.

In this cross-border scenario, the operation of the APs participating in AS4EDI20 will benefit a large number of customers from different Member States, including public institutions and companies from various business sectors, such as retail, manufacturing, tourism, banking and healthcare. Validated ID from Spain, Pantarei Soluzioni Informatiche, S.A.T.A. and Promofarma from Italy, Ionite from the Netherlands and Globaltnet from Latvia are members of this consortium.

The European Commission's Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) co-finances these projects through the CEF Telecom programme.



Official website

INEA's website, now HaDEA

Start of the project



End of the project



Agreement number



Action number



The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IRTIC (UV) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.