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The Institute on Robotics provides technical support for the development of a manual on data protection for interns

  • November 10th, 2020
Image de la noticia

The Institute on Robotics and Information and Communications Technologies (IRTIC) has carried out the technical support tasks during the preparation of the «Guide on Data Protection for students doing external internships», a document promoted by the Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation Microsoft-UV and the University of Valencia. The manual, available to any student, aims to raise awareness among both institutions and students of the proper compliance of data protection regulations, as well as to provide training on other regulations related to the development of internships.

The Director of the Chair, Ricard Martínez, has developed the guide in collaboration with the Vice-rectors of Employment and Training Programmes, Innovation and Transfer, and Studies and Language Policy. This work is also intended to provide advice to promote regulatory compliance with concrete examples and indications of what needs to be done in each case presented.

The document also emphasises the promotion of a future business and professional network aware of the regulations in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, which is a strategic challenge. In this way, it points out the rights and obligations of students in the fields of data protection, explains the need for security in this area and recommends a number of habits in this regard.

The guide also focuses on particularly sensitive practice environments regarding the fundamental right to data protection. For example, those that involve working with ill people, minors, with functional diversity or with court records.

This manual refers, as well, to concepts related to corporate identity, the right to one’s own image and the prevention of occupational hazards. A short decalogue that reviews everything explored concludes the guide.