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IRTIC provides technical advice for the implementation of the European DATEX II standard in Colombia

  • January 4th, 2022
Image de la noticia

The LISITT research group, adscribed to the Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC), has begun to provide technical advice to the Colombian company SKG TECNOLOGÍA S.A. for the adaptation and implementation of the European DATEX II standard within the National Intelligent System for Infrastructure, Transit and Transport (SINITT) project that the Colombian Ministry of Transport wants to establish with the aim of modernising the country's traffic and transport management systems.

"The European DATEX standard was created to facilitate the exchange of traffic and transport information between the traffic management systems of different European administrations, and to disseminate this information in a homogeneous format to different information service providers," explains Juan José Martínez, director of LISITT.

Due to the knowledge and experience that the group has in this area, the LISITT consultancy consists of virtual meetings with the technical team developing the project to explain or clarify applications of the standard. It also undertakes tasks such as the analysis and technical review of documents on the standard and its interpretation for the project in question.

SKG's implementation of the DATEX II protocol in the SINITT system will facilitate the interconnection and exchange of information between different traffic management systems in the Colombian provinces and major cities, or the Bogotá Transmilenio bus management system itself.

In this sense, "the participation of LISITT staff in the working committees for the definition of the DATEX II standard on behalf of the Spanish administration, together with the experience acquired in the development of the national DATEX node, implemented in the General Directorate of Traffic, was one of the main reasons for SKG to count on LISITT's advice", Martínez points out. These also include "the adaptation of the traffic management systems of the Catalan, Basque and Andorran administrations to exchange data using DATEX", he indicates.