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  • Semantic Modelling Approach for Safety-Related Traffic Information Using DATEX II

    J. Javier Samper Zapater; Julián Gutiérrez Moret; Jose Macario Rocha; Juan José Martinez-Durá; Vicente R. Tomás

    (2023). Revista

    Information. No.2024, 15(1), 3

    The significance of Linked Open Data datasets for traffic information extends beyond just including open traffic data. It incorporates links to other relevant thematic datasets available on the web. This enables federated queries across different data platforms from various countries and sectors, such as transport, geospatial, environmental, weather, and more. Businesses, researchers, national operators, administrators, and citizens at large can benefit from having dynamic traffic open data connected to heterogeneous datasets across Member States. This paper focuses on the development of a semantic model that enhances the basic service to access open traffic data through a LOD-enhanced...

    The significance of Linked Open Data datasets for traffic information extends beyond just including open traffic data. It incorporates links to other relevant thematic datasets available on the web. This enables federated queries across different data platforms from various countries and sectors, such as transport, geospatial, environmental, weather, and more. Businesses, researchers, national operators, administrators, and citizens at large can benefit from having dynamic traffic open data connected to heterogeneous datasets across Member States. This paper focuses on the development of a semantic model that enhances the basic service to access open traffic data through a LOD-enhanced Traffic Information System in alignment with the ITS Directive (2010/40/EU). The objective is not limited to just viewing or downloading data but also to improve the extraction of meaningful information and enable other types of services that are only achievable through LOD. By structuring the information using the RDF format meant for machines and employing SPARQL for querying, LOD allows for comprehensive and unified access to all datasets. Considering that the European standard DATEX II is widely used in many priority areas and services mentioned in the ITS Directive, LOD DATEX II was developed as a complementary approach to DATEX II XML. This facilitates the accessibility and comprehensibility of European traffic data and services. As part of this development, an ontological model called dtx_srti, based on the DATEX II Ontology, was created to support these efforts.

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  • Contributions to the Annotation Process in Augmented Reality

    Author: Inmaculada García Pereira Directors: Dr. Pedro Morillo, Dr. Jesús Gimeno

    (2022). Thesis

  • Visualization of the content of cultural heritage knowledge graphs

    Author: Javier Sevilla Peris Directors: Dr. J. Javier Samper Zapater; Dr. Marcos Fernández Marín

    (2022). Thesis

  • A Comparative Analysis of Two Immersive Virtual Reality Systems in the Integration and Visualization of Natural Hand Interaction

    Guillermo Molina, Jesús Gimeno, Cristina Portalés, Sergio Casas

    (2022). Article

    Multimedia Tools and Applications. No.Volume 81, 6, pages 7733–7758

    It is generally accepted that the use of natural interaction provides a positive impact in Virtual Reality (VR) applications. Therefore, it is important to understand what is the best way to integrate and visualize this feature in VR. For this reason, this paper presents a comparative study of the integration of natural hand interaction in two immersive VR systems: a Cave Audio Visual Experience (CAVE) system –where users’ real hands are visible– and a non-see-through Head-Mounted Display (HMD) system –where only a virtual representation of the hands is possible–. In order to test the suitability of using this type of interaction in a CAVE and compare it to an HMD, we raise six research...

    It is generally accepted that the use of natural interaction provides a positive impact in Virtual Reality (VR) applications. Therefore, it is important to understand what is the best way to integrate and visualize this feature in VR. For this reason, this paper presents a comparative study of the integration of natural hand interaction in two immersive VR systems: a Cave Audio Visual Experience (CAVE) system –where users’ real hands are visible– and a non-see-through Head-Mounted Display (HMD) system –where only a virtual representation of the hands is possible–. In order to test the suitability of using this type of interaction in a CAVE and compare it to an HMD, we raise six research questions related to task performance, usability and perception differences regarding natural hand interaction with these two systems. To answer these questions, we designed an experiment where users have to complete a pick-and-place task with virtual balls and a text-typing task with virtual keyboards. In both systems, the same tracking technology, based on a Leap Motion device, was used. To the best of our knowledge this is the first academic work addressing a comparison of this type. Objective and subjective data were collected during the experiments. The results show that the HMD has a performance, preference and usability advantage over the CAVE with respect to the integration of natural hand interaction. Nevertheless, the results also show that the CAVE system can be, as well, successfully used in combination with an optical hand tracking device.

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  • Where are we headed on January 28th?

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2021). Article

    La Ley Privacidad. No.7

  • Tecnología de verificación de identidad y control en exámenes online

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2020). Article

    Revista de Educación y Derecho. Education and Law Review. No.Year 2020, Num. 22

    Facial recognition technologies for identity verification and control of access to the virtual space for the development of exams have a direct impact on student rights. Their implementation and use implies a processing of biometric data that is particularly demanding in terms of regulatory compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. In both cases, it is necessary to ensure due balance between the rights of the student and the guarantee of the right of the university institution to articulate processes of verification of knowledge that prevent fraud.

  • Apps coronavirus y desconfianza ciudadana

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2020). Article

    Diario La Ley.

    Given the upturn in the pandemic and the limitations of the traditional tracing method, which can be effective in cases of contagion linked to family, work or school contexts, but not in situations of "festive" contacts, the author analyses, in summary, the position of privacy experts and makes some recommendations, such as the urgent revision of sectoral legislation or the need for data protection authorities to team up with the health system and contribute to achieving viable, audited and shared solutions.

  • Schrems II. Una breve reflexión desde los derechos fundamentales

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2020). Article

    La Ley privacidad. No.5

    The CJEU has reaffirmed a clear criterion: the subordination of the Member States to the decisions binding them does not imply a duty of abstention of the data protection authorities in the protection and guarantee of the fundamental right to data protection.

  • Salud o privacidad (a propósito de la 'app' para geolocalizar personas con coronavirus): Un falso debate

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2020). Article


  • Privacidad, COVID-19 y ecosistema de I+D+i

    Ricard Martínez Martínez

    (2020). Article

    El País.