Benvinguda diversitat

Benvinguda diversitat

Schedule: From 8 october 2019 to 24 october 2019. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 00:00 to 23:00.


Place: Campus de Tarongers, Blasco Ibáñez y Burjassot


Benvinguda diversitat (Welcome diversity) is a project that Benvinguda a la Universitat, which is organised by the Student Council Branch through the SeDi and takes place in October.  The Benvinguda is a meeting point of the university community that includes music, theatre, art, etc.

The diversity programme includes workshops* aimed at students of the Universitat de València, the organisation of a multi-coloured glitter point in the Benvinguda Concert in collaboration with LGTB+ collectives and the section Mostra la ploma a la Universitat, as part of the 5th edition of Mostra la ploma, an international festival to celebrate sexual, gender and family diversity organised by Lambda.

* Limited places.  Free registration through at least 24 hours before the workshops begin.  Please indicate name, surname and workshop.

Check the full programme here:


Organized by:

Iniciativa diversitats, Vicerrectorado de Igualdad, Dicersidad y Sostenibilidad.



More information: