Alumni UV uncovers hidden Valencian heritage with a multimedia cultural project

  • UV General Foundation
  • April 30th, 2021

The Alumni UV collective has organised a new videoconference in April as part of the Alumni Comparteix free programme. This time it was dedicated to discovering the hidden Valencian heritage. Alumni Enrique Collado, professor and cultural and festive journalist, presented his multimedia cultural project ‘Som Patrimoni’ (We’re Heritage). The webinar is free in this video and in the General Foundation of UV YouTube's channel.

The aim of the audio-visual project ‘We’re Heritage’ is to make the cultural heritage of the Valencian Community visible in all its aspects, but mainly focusing on the festivities and rituals which are part of the Valencian collective imagination and which have a relevant cultural value due to their tradition and social, economic and touristic repercussions.  

This heritage includes important festivities that are little-known to the general public, such as the Maderada de Cofrents, the Dansa Guerrera de Tolodealla, the Moros i Cristians de Biar, or the Festa de les Carasses de Petrer.

Initiatives as the ‘We’re Heritage’ project do not ignore that Valencian cultural heritage ‘is made up of movable and immovable assets, as well as intangible assets of the ethnological heritage, creations, practices and knowledge of the traditional Valencian culture’, stressed Enrique Collado. He also reminded us that ‘musical, artistic, gastronomic or leisure events, and especially those that have used oral transmission and that promote the use one’s own language’ are also cultural heritage.

Enrique Collado Belda has been an amateur cultural and festive journalist since 1987. He has directed the audio-visual project ‘We’re Heritage’, dedicated to sharing Valencian festivities, culture and traditions. He is currently a teacher in the Clinical Analysis Lab of the Tierno Galván High School in Moncada. He holds a PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Valencia and a PhD in Communicatoin from the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University.

More about the Alumni Comparteix programme