The Faculty of Geography and History holds a conference about the mirror as a topic and a symbol

  • April 11th, 2016
faculty of geography and history

The Faculty of Geography and History and the Universitá di Macerata hold from 11 to 14 April the international conference ‘La visión especular: el espejo como tema y como símbolo’ (‘The mirrored vision: the mirror as a topic and as a symbol’) that is held in the Joan Fuster Hall of the faculty. Specialists such as Rafael Gil, Ester Alba, Jaime Siles, Marc Mayer or Giulia Baratta will be participating.

The registration is free and to do it you have to enter the webpage of the faculty ( The seating capacity will be meet by registration order.

The Faculty of Geography and History of the Universitat de València and the Universitá di Macerata organise the conference in collaboration with the CEFIRE València; the Department of Culture, Education, Research and Sport; the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts; the Department of Classical Philology; Universitat de València; the Spanish Society of Classical Studies, València and Castelló Section and the Innovating Resources for the Study of Ancient History Group (GIRHA) from the Department of History of Antiquity and Written Culture. On the occasion of the celebration of the conference there will be a guided tour to the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts.

The programme can be consulted by clicking here .