The historian Josep Fontana, honoured by the Universitat de València, has passed away

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • August 28th, 2018
Imagen de la noticia

Josep Fontana, who was one of the most important historians in Spain, has passed away at the age of 35. Fontana had received an honorary degree from the Universitat de València. The principal of the academic institution, Mavi Mestre, has conveyed the condolences in the name of the Management Board.

He received an honorary degree from the Universitat de València in 2016 on the motion of the Faculty of Geography and History. Pedro Ruiz Torres and Vicent Soler Marco were his best men in the ceremony.

Josep Fontana (Barcelona, 1931) was one of the most important historians in the last decades. He was an honoured professor of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. The influence of Ferran Soldevila, Jaume Vicens Vives, Ramón Carande and Pierre Vilar can be appreciated in his work. Fontana’s historiographical contribution is recognised by different schools of history. Apart from his academic activity, Fontana has collaborated in several cultural projects, such as the founding of the prestigious magazine “Recerques”. He has also collaborated with other magazines such as “Horitzons”, “Taula de Canvi”’ and “L’Avenç”; and developed important editorial tasks (Ariel, Crítica, Pasado and Presente...).

The Catalan historian has been committed for many years to the study of Ancien Régime and the Spanish New Régime. He published his doctoral thesis in book format “La quiebra de la monarquía absoluta 1814-1820”. It had an important historiographical impact within and outside Spain. Another theme that he addressed was Catalonia. Among his work, the resume books La fi de I’Antic Règim i la industrialització 1787-1868, La revolució liberal a Catalunya can be highlighted as well as numerous published works throughout his life on the configuration of Modern Catalonia.

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