La Nau hosts a conference and a workshop on creative writing

  • Press Office
  • May 22nd, 2019
Esmeralda Berbel
Esmeralda Berbel

The lecturer and writer, Esmeralda Berbel, gives a workshop and a conference on creative writing on Thursday 23th of May, and on Friday 24th of May, respectively. The activities will take place in the ‘Aules Smeinari’ of the Cultural Centre La Nau. At 11 a.m., she will undertake the workshop, and at 6 p.m. on Friday 24th, the conference. The workshop requires a previous registration. The entry to the conference is free until full seatings.

At the workshop, the writer, Berbel, will propose the writing of some narrative fragments after reading some pages of a novel or a tale with the purpose of dealing with different narrative techniques and sharing the most interesting points of the creations.  Through this comparison, the qualities and the uniqueness as well as the potential to improve it.

On the next day conference, Esmeralda Berbel will deepen in her own material, in the content and in the stories they tell; generally, in the creation of a personal and intimate writing.  Should we add more fiction or less? What should we choose? How could we show and tell what we want? are some of the questions which the writer qualifies as diffcult to answer, they require bravery.   The purpose of this session will be to show the importance and the difficulty to develop ourselves as writers.

Esmeralda Berbel studied Spanish Studies at the University of Barcelona (UB).  She is the writer of some novels, essays, stories and tales apart from being teacher in seminars of creative writing and thematic courses at the ‘Escola d’escriptura de l’Ateneu Barceloní, at the theatre School Laura, Jou, Jessica Walker and at ‘Escola de Cinema FX Animation.  Her literary labour has been awarded by some associations. She has received the award Ana Maria Matute, Montserrat Roig and Femení-Singular, among others.

This session is programmed in the cycle ‘Dones creadores’, organised by the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives together with the office of the vice-principal of Equality, Diversity and Sustainability and of the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València. In addition, it counts with the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of Transparence, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation.

The Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives is a cultural project, promoted by the office of the vice-principal of Culture and Sports and managed by the Fundació General of the Universitat de València, which was created to discuss and to debate actively and critically on contemporary topics.  Furthermore, some entities of the public administration and civil society are collaborators of the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives:  The president of the Valencian Government; the city hall of València; the Regional Ministry of Transparence; the Regional Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sports; the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua; the Institut Alfons el Magnànim, the Escola Europea d’Humanitats and Caixa Popular.