Twelve projects will bring art to the campuses in the 24th Public Art/ Public University

  • Information and Promotion Service for Students - Blasco Ibáñez
  • June 11th, 2021
Photographs of the artists chosen by the jury
Artists of the XXIV Public Art/ Public University

The 24th Public Art/ Public University, which has increased the number of projects and exhibition spaces in this year’s edition, is taking shape. From among the 84 proposals received, twelve projects have been selected that will contribute to transforming the University environment into a place of artistic intervention open to society and to bringing art closer to the campuses, the objectives of the call.

The jury of this year has selected the following proposals and artists:

- Redes fantasmas (Ghost Networks), by Andrea Siervo and Rossi Aguilar.

- STEM obertes (STEM open), by Joaquín Artime.

- Espacios de Comunicación _ Acto de Comunicación n42 (Communication Spaces _ Communication Act n42), by Pablo Bellot.

- Futurabilities, by Azahara Cerezo.

- Deslumbramiento, (Glare) by José Luis Cremades.

- Els crits (The Screams), by Anaïs Florin.

- Exhumación (Exhumation), by Miquel García.

- El teléfono roto (The broken telephone), by Sara Gurrea.

- La CULPABLE. Los comentarios de cada día (THE GUILTY. Daily feedback) by Laura José.

- Fantasmagorías (Phantasmagorias) by Sergio Luna.

- For eternity (2021), by Suri Kim and Ángel Arias (SUMOK).

- Masculinidades disidentes. Una alternativa frente a la violencia de género (Dissident masculinities. An alternative to gender violence), by Pep Sales Gabarda.

Environmental sustainability, historical memory, sexual diversity and new masculinities are some of the themes addressed by the projects, along with others such as new models of social communication, the archaeology of new technologies and the influence of algorithms in today’s world.

The jury that assessed the projects was made up of Mijo Miquel, Professor of Fine Arts at Universitat Politècnica de València; Jordie Di Napoli, mediator and exhibition curator; Alba Braza, curator, and Esther Alba, Vice-Principal for Sport at Universitat de València.

This year’s call has doubled the number of projects selected, to a total of 12 artists’ proposals that will receive 2,000€ each for their execution and exhibition. In addition, this exhibition, which will be held from October to December, under the curatorship of Alba Braza, will have two meeting points with the university community and society: the Burjassot campus and the Blasco Ibañez campus.

The Public Art/ Public University is an initiative of Universitat de València that aims to dynamise the spaces on the Burjassot and Blasco Ibañez campuses and transform the university environment into a place of artistic intervention open to society. For this reason, the organisation has selected a series of ephemeral artistic projects that reflect on the approach of contemporary art to science and the social and human sciences, turning them into detonators of other transversal knowledge, and that interact with the university space. It is a call of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Programmes, organised by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service with the collaboration of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport of Universitat de València.