The Universitat de València and the City Council sign the renewal of the collaboration agreement for the MESVAL Chair

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 12th, 2020
La Universitat de València y el Ayuntamiento firman la renovación del convenio de colaboración para la Cátedra MESVAL

The Universitat de València and the Valencia City Council have renewed today the agreement signed in 2017 by which the Chair for a Sustainable Economic Model of València and its Surroundings works on the transformation of the city's economic model.

Thanks to this firm, the agreement signed on 1 December 2017 continues and the new 2020 action plan sets as a target the development of several working areas suggested on the founding agreement as a result of its mission, view and values. In this sense, the activities due to develop are configured around the training, research, transfer and spreading areas. 

The ceremonial act has counted on the participation of M. Vicenta Mestre, Principal of the Universitat de València; Pilar Bernabé, councillor for the area of Innovative Development of Economic Sectors and Employment of Valencia City Council; José Manuel Pastor, Director of the Chair and Dean of the Faculty of Economics; and Julio Olmos, the General Coordinator for the area of Innovative Development of Economic Sectors and Employment. 

Bernabé, for his part, stated that "thanks to the renewal of this agreement with the Universitat de València, we will continue working on the research and development of a sustainable, conciliatory and intelligent economic model. A model which is productive for our city, which is able to lead us to a future in tune with Sustainable Development Goals and which helps to improve our companies and our economic environments. 

In this sense, the Principal has highlighted the importance of Chairs and the transfer of knowledge as a "fundamental pillar of the Universitat de València's DNA". Furthermore, she has emphasised the more than 25 years of institutional chairs at the Universitat de València and "the enormous added value for the city and the institution by channelling a large part of the knowledge we generate towards better management of our environment".

The Dean of the Faculty has stressed that the main function of the MESVAL Chair is to reflect on and to find answers to the problems that Valencia is facing. In this sense, José Manuel Pastor has highlighted the importance of MESVAL Dialogues, which are forums of reflection about subjects of interest for the city, as well as the research and analysis carried out by the Universitat de València's teaching staff, with proposals for transforming the city's economic model. 

In addition, this agreement lays down that Valencian City Council will provide the MESVAL Chair with 60,000 € and the Universitat de València, for its part, will contribute with training, cultural and research activities of territorial impact directed to the Chair's purposes and framed within three areas of work. 

The first one is focused on spreading: through the organisation of events and publications on topics of interest to students, professionals, companies, etc.; to those interested in a sustainable development of the city's economic model. The second one makes reference to research: by drawing up a research plan focused on widening knowledge about the sustainable economic model. Finally, the one of training: by bringing challenges of the transformation of the Valencian economic model closer to students, professionals, companies and institutions in order to raise consciousness and contribute to find answers to immediate challenges. 

The Chair for a Sustainable Economic Model of València and its Surroundings (MESVAL) aims to promote, develop and intensify the relationship between the Universitat de València and the Valencian City Council to monitor and transform the city's economic model, by paying attention to the diversity of its economic and social agents and taking into account the governance, innovation and sustainability - economic, social and environmental one-, competitiveness, human well-being and globalisation. 

Thus, it hopes to be a platform for dialogue between the city and its economic, social, cultural and technological surroundings from an interdisciplinary approach. It expects to be a strategic agent of the city when it comes to the joint reflection of points of view and building the city's economic model of sustainable development.