The Universitat de València has hosted a conference on the evolution of chordates as part of the Darwin Day

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • February 13th, 2019
Charles Darwin.
Charles Darwin.

The Universitat de València has hosted the conference A genomic perspective of the evolution of chordates in the Darwin Aula of Burjassot-Paterna Campus on Wednesday 13th (at 1.00 p.m.). This conference will be given by Héctor Escrivá, a researcher of the Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls sur Mer. On Tuesday 12th, in the Octubre Cultural Contemporary Centre of València there was a science celebration where Carme Torras, a member of the Robotics and Industrial Informatics Institute of CSIC and of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya as well as Ramón López de Mantaras, a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (CSIC) of Bellaterra, participated in the event.

The Darwin Day is a celebration created in order to commemorate the Darwin’s birth, on the 12th of February of 1809.  Initially, the aim of this event was to highlight the role and the contributions to science of the British biologist.  Nevertheless, over time, it has become a day focused on the promotion of scientific practice.  Regarding the Universitat de València it has been celebrated for some years.

This event, in Espai Ciència of Octubre is organised by the Faculty of Biological Sciences, the Natural History Museum, the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, the Integrative System Biology Institute (I2SysBio) and the Chair for Scientific Dissemination-Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit. All of this organisations belong to the Universitat de València.  The IEC, the Catalan Society of Biology, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, ‘Octubre’ Contemporary Cultural Centre, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the Science, Innovation and University Ministry and the CSIC are also involved in the organisation of the event.