The Universitat de València and the Valencian Department of Health promote the interest of teenage students in female scientists

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • March 1st, 2024

The Universitat de València (UV) and the Valencian Department of Health today have given the awards for the 7thedition of the video contest “De major vullser com…”, aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Vocational Training (FP), and which has the objective of identifying and researching references for women or groups of women in scientific, technological and innovative disciplines. The event was held in the Assembly Hall of the Office of the Principal of the UV.

The Valencian Department of Health has participated through the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (Fisabio), the Health Research Institute (INCLIVA), the Health and Biomedical Research Institute of Alicante (ISABIAL), and the Institute of La Fe Health Research of Valencia (IIS La Fe).

This edition included 32 centres from the Valencian Community, which contributed 89 videos and 350 students, which represents a participation record. The students have submittedaudiovisual pieces that vindicate the contributions of 102 scientists such as Margaret Wilcox, who invented the automobile heating system, or OlufunmilayoOlopade, an oncologist of Nigerian origin who discovered that African-American women tended to develop breast cancer at younger ages than Caucasians.

In the best script category, the winner videos are “Mujer tenías que ser” from the San José y Santa Ana School in Torrent and “Trenquem el sostre de vidre” from the IES Blasco Ibáñez in València. In the best audiovisual production category, the winning videos were “Volar” from the Julio Verne School in Torrent and “Carta a suhija” from the IES Pere Boïl in Manises.

Finally, in the category of most innovative video for the selection of the character, the winners were “Estrellas de oriente” from the IES Cid Campeador of Valencia, which highlights the role of AnandibaiGopalrao Joshi as a pioneer in Indian medicineand “Gitanjali Rao, científica referent per a les adolescents” from the IES Malilla in Valencia that explains the device to detect the presence of lead in water that this young American scientist has invented. Two runner-up awards have also been given to the videos “I will probably be wrong” from the Engeba School in València and “There are always references” from the IES Vicent Andrés Estellés in València.

In addition, the winning teams of the two public vote awards were the following: in the ESO and Basic Cycle of Vocational Training modality, they were the video “Las chicas del Eniac” from the IES Canónigo Manchón of Crevillent with 826 votes, while that, for Baccalaureate and intermediate and higher vocational training cycles, the winning video was “Fa uns quants anys…” from the IES Jaume II El Just of Tavernes de la Valldigna (873 votes).

As for the prizes, 1,000 euros will be allocated to purchase scientific and/or technological material by the educational centre to which the creators of the video belong and 1,000 euros will go to the young students who have participated in their preparation and that will also be used to purchase technological or educational material.

During the gala, hosted by Big Van Ciència’s biomedical and scientific communicator, Helena González, the 6 prizes were awarded to the winning videos, which were viewed at the same event. 


The event

The event serves as a union between the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on February 11, and International Women’s Day, which takes place on March 8. Sylvia Martínez, Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies at the UV, opened the event by thanking the students and teachers for their participation, and emphasising that the young people who have made their videos “are the scientists of the future”.

The event was attended by MariolaPenadés, general director of Research and Innovation of the Valencian Department of Health, who recalled: “science is a way of life”; Palmira Muñoz, head of the Equality Unit of the General Subdirectorate of the Technical Cabinet of the Valencian Department of Health; Mónica Pont, managing director of the Fisabio Foundation; Sylvia Martínez, vice-rector of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies of the UV; Elena Bertomeu, managing director of ISABIAL; AinhoaGenovés, managing director of IIS La Fe; and Vicente de Juan, managing director of INCLIVA.

Furthermore, Penadés, on behalf of the Ministry of Health, has presented recognition to a series of works on gender issues carried out by the organising institutions (ISABIAL, INCLIVA, IIS La Fe, FundaciónFisabio, UV) and the Centre for Príncipe Felipe Research (CIPF), and the Valencia General Hospital Foundation. The director of the King Jaume I Awards, Javier Quesada, has also offered some words of motivation to the students.


Expert voices

The “De major vullser com…” contest started in 2018 by the Fisabio Foundation, and year after year it has gained participation until reaching this seventh edition.

This year, the jury that evaluated the winning videos is made up, on the one hand, of experts in scientific communication and gender studies such as Oti Rodríguez, Communication technician at the University of Alicante; Delfina Roca, head of the Scientific Dissemination coordination section of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the University of Murcia and Leonor Goicoechea, equality agent and gender trainer at the Associació per la Coeducació.

On the other hand, the jury also included a person representing each organising entity. Thus, it has had Patricia Souto, audiovisual technician from the University of Valencia; Andrea Blanco, Fisabio communication technician; Javier Ripoll, coordinator of the Computer Science Area of the La Fe Research Institute; Olga MaríaRivero, emerging Miguel Servet researcher in the Psychiatry and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Group of the INCLIVA Health Research Institute and Ana Tobarra, quality technician at the Alicante Health and Biomedical Research Institute.

This activity has the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), in the projects FCT-22-18813 and FCT-22-18209.


Annex photo caption:

Sylvia Martínez, vice-rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies of the UV, has inaugurated the video contest gala “De major vullser com…”.

Awarded teams.
