The UV organises meetings to foster dialogue among different religions

  • Press Office
  • November 17th, 2023
Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences
Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences

Voices of different traditions -- Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Baha’ism, the religions of India -- will come together to speak at the Universitat de València about the need to promote inclusive and sustainable development that takes into account different religious and ethical values and is committed to circumstantially vulnerable, marginalised and excluded groups.

Within the framework of the ‘Multi-faith alliance to address social challenges from the 2030 Agenda’ (ALUZAR), funded by the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation, during the 2023-24 academic year, the Universitat de València has scheduled different meetings in order to reflect on the social changes propelled by radical religious entities within the Valencian Community and to discuss the UV’s commitment to overcoming social challenges and building a better future.

The ALUZAR project aims to foster an exchange of experiences to give both the participants and the audience a better understanding of reality and explore opportunities for teamwork.

The initiative hopes to reach concrete commitments to promote truly sustainable development that creates alliances between educational, social and cultural entities and public administrations.

The programmed activities will begin on th 17th of November with a chat among the leaders of different religious entities, from 10am to 1pm in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences UV (avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, 30). This event will be repeated on the 1st and 15th of December with the participation of young people and older people, respectively.

There are also two workshops programmed online from 12-2pm on the 26th of January (with the participation of educational centres) and the 23rd of February (with the participation of Valencian social organisations and the public administration).

There will also be a conference titled “Social transformations, inter-faith dialogue and sustainable development in the Valencian context” on the 11th and 12th of Abril in the Rector Peset Hall of Residency with the participation of representatives from different religious, educational, social and cultural and administrative entities.

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