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The Universitat de València hold the 40th Anniversary act of Valencian democratic city councils

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • November 28th, 2019
Image de la noticia

Tomorrow Friday, the Assembly Hall of the Rectorate of the Universitat de València will host this day between yesterday’s and today’s mayors. The meeting will consist of two roundtables that will address the evolution in the consistories, through the testimonies of those who were mayors in those early years of Democracy and those who are now.

On 3 April 1979, the first municipal elections of democracy were held, a historic event that renewed the former Francoist corporations. At that time everything was to be done and the new representatives who occupied the town halls played a fundamental role. This conference, organised by the Universitat de València, together with the Diputació de València (Valencian County Government) and in collaboration with the Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (Valencian Federation of Municipality and Counties) and the Faculty of Law, aims to commemorate these 40 years of democratic municipalism with the aim of giving a voice to both the current protagonists and those who contributed to establishing democracy in our towns and cities.

The event will start at 9.30 a.m. with the inauguration, which will be carried out by the vice-rector of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla; the manager of the University of Valencia, Juan Vicente Climent; the 2nd vice-president of the area of Infrastructures of the Diputació de València, Rafael García; the general director of Local Administration, Antoni Such; and Diego Gómez, 1st vice-president of the Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias and mayor of Alzira.

The lectures will be given by Javier Palao and Joan Romero. The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Francisco Javier Palao, will focus his speech on the local Public Administration in the Transition’s Spain. For his part, Joan Romero, Professor of Human Geography, will devote his speech to analysing the 40 years of democratic town councils as well as future challenges.

This will be followed by the first round table, moderated by Francisco Javier Palao, with the participation of Manuel Girona (first president of the Diputació de València 1979-1983), Josep Mª Jordán Galduf (mayor of Llíria between 1979 and 1981), Josefa Frau (mayor of Gandia from 1991 to 2003), Joaquin Soler (mayor of Massalfassar 1991-2015), and Jesús Forner (mayor of Faura 1979-1983).

Then the mayors of Gandia (Diana Morant), Llosa de Ranes (Evarist Aznar), Polinyà de Xúquer (Óscar Navarro), Paiporta (Isabel Martín) and Caudete de las Fuentes (Vanesa López) will participate. At the colloquium they will talk about today's municipalities from the point of view of local management. This roundtable is moderated by Vice-Rector Jorge Hermosilla. The event is organized by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society.
