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Text Box: CAMD-BIR Unit Faculty of Chemistry-Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), Santa Clara, 54830, Villa Clara, Cuba.

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Presentation & Abstract

International Scientific Meetings

1. IV Ibero-American Encounter of the Pharmaceutical and Alimentary Sciences. International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba. 6/00.

2. VIII Congress of the Cuban Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences. International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba. 10/02.

3. V Ibero-American Encounter of the Pharmaceutical and Alimentary Sciences. International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba.10/02.

4. VI Ibero-American Encounter of the Pharmaceutical and Alimentary Sciences. International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba. 6/04.

5. 5th International Congress on Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering. International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba. 10/04.

6. I International Meeting on Chemistry. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 12/00.

7. II International Meeting on Chemistry. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 6/03.

8. I International Meeting of Toxicology. Institute of biotechnology of the plants. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 10/02.


National Scientific Meetings

1. XV National Forum of Students of Exact, Natural and Social Sciences of Cuba. University of Matanzas, Matanzas, Cuba. 6/01

2. II National Meeting of Toxicology: TOXICOL 2000. Surgical Clinical Hospital "Arnaldo Milian Castro". Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 12/00.

3. Provincial Scientific Meeting in Greeting to the Pharmacist's National Day. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 11/00.

4. III Workshop of Clinical Pharmaceutical Services. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 3/01.

5. VII Territorial Meeting of Pharmaceutical Sciences and IV Workshop of Clinical Pharmaceutical Services. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 11/02.

6. Provincial Scientific Meeting in Greeting to the Pharmacist's National Day and V Workshop of Clinical Pharmaceutical Services. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 11/03.

7. X exhibition "Forgers of the Future", Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 3/02

8. XIII Forum of Science and Technique of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 7/02.

9. XIV Forum of Science and Technique of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 7/03.

10. XV Forum of Science and Technique of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 7/04.

11. Provincial XV-Forum of Science and Technique. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 11/04.

12. Scientific Forums of University Students. Central University of Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. 98-01.

"... It is exactly the possibility to carry out a dream that makes the life is interesting."
Paulo Coelho,“The Alchemist”

© 2006 Yovani Marrero Ponce. All rights reserved
Last updated on April 01, 2006


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